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Danke dir zunächst mal für das hervorragende Spiel! Eines der besten, gerade wegen der Story! Habe ein Problem mit Ninas Path ,sodass ich eigentlich nur noch bei ihr rumhängen und keinen Nachbarn oder Haley besuchen kann. 

Das Problem besteht bereits seit dem letzten bzw. Vorletzten Update und ist such durch dieses nicht behoben. 

Alle Werte beim Charakter Nina sind voll.

Gibt es einen Möglichkeit, den Path Nina zurückzusetzen, ohne das ganze Game nochmal durchzuspielen?

Oder wie kann das gelöst werden?

Danke dir 

Grüße aus Germany ✌️


vielen Dank. :)
Schwer zu sagen was sagt denn der CQM zu den Quests?

Bzw. gab es eine "This is the end..." message?

Ansonsten kannst Du mir einmal dein save schicken dann kann ich schauen.

Ein Zurücksetzen ist nicht möglich.

Grüße und weiterhin viel Spass.

(1 edit)

Hi, also...habe wohl was anderes gewählt, "enjoy the show" is closed.

Habe mittlerweile einen alten save genutzt um den neusten content zu spielen. Ich bin glaube ich soweit durch. Bis auf die Jill Indoor Training,  das klappt irgendwie nicht. 

Beste Szenen bisher:

-Michelle in der Bar

-Michelle im Schwimmbad

-Neuste Cuckold Route mit Nina 

Alles andere is auch stark. Wie es grafisch dargestellt ist, die story und mega! Gibt echt keine Szene die mich bisher genervt hat.

Hoffe da kommt noch viel viel mehr und das hoffentlich schnell;-)

Wie kann ich dir den save schicken? würde mich interessieren ob ich was übersehen habe.



am besten per Mail oder aber über Discord.


This game first was fun but now after some hours it gets boring. I also encountered a problem in the game-play. The characters/quest screen stays active an can not be shut any more. This is a real nuisance.

There is content for 15-20 hours in the game but the CQM is BETA and a lot of Quests are not in yet.
Yes thats a design problem you have to hit the Pad again then it close, not hitting close in the CQM its not for open/close the CQM. But the tutorial schould explain that.


man, I made it almost 5 minutes. Read my way through the intro, went to save, and a mandatory save naming prompt appeared.

See, I'm chilling in my living room, and the keyboard is not even close to me. If, every time I want to save, I have to get up, walk across the room, and hit 'esc,' that's just too much effort required on my part.

(1 edit) (+1)

hi, i just encountered games like that again which is why i want to ask, here is nothing locked behind patreon and shoevd into my face yes? The most I'm willing to do is pay here after a demo, not on Patreon.

Its the same version like on Patreon if this is your question.


The problem with Patreon is the subscription.  I do not mind paying for a good game but I refuse to pay a monthly amount for a game not knowing when the next update will come. Sometimes you have to wait for several months and even just paying the smallest fee amounts to a pile of money. Doing that with several games will make you end up in poverty

(3 edits)

If you have problems with Patreon, i'm on SubscribeStar, too.
I know this problems and i can't hardly understand why some games have high patronage stacks with release times over 3 or more months. They must be AAA games. :D ;) I'm a lot of years now on Patreon and i have promised release every 4-6 weeks. And i do it in 99% of the releases. Until the last months i have release every month an update.

If this works now I might have a problem later, could you maybe use mediafire or something for the download links?

The most people use MEGA and for them is Mediafire to slow. So it is MEGA here on itchio. If you have problems to download please write again.

It worked this time, but I think at a certain amount it will tell me to either buy some MEGA thing or wait 24 hours or whatever it was that one time. That's the only reason I like to mention it. Thank you for the fast reply and I will do mention it if it will cause a problem at a later download maybe.

(1 edit)

Can you answer me another question, does the game use animations? sorry just found the answer in the description...YES

When will the release be today?

in 2-3 hours

Hi, can somebody help me what i need to do in quest the hot MILF?

Xagrim help me what to do thank you.

you have to work continuley at the farm. A long time after Karen & Sina have left. Remember what happened during your meetings with them and answer her questions truly.

Thank you very much but i don't remember what happened last time so what i need to do.

Hi there 

When will the version v1.0 roll out. And will v1.0 be like the final version of the first part of the triology ?


around summer. Yes its the final version of the first part then.

aaaaand I also wanted to ask you if you plan to incorporate more Jenny scenes in future updates, I hope so. but if not that's enough for me too XD

The Jenny events are complete. But you can see her again if you work at the far, on Saturday. But perhaps you will see her ,too in the swcond part. ;)

Hello Friend how are you? First of all, thank you very much for creating these games for us, I know that it is not easy to design these games, and I thank you for doing it. I have a question for you and I hope you will please answer me, and sorry if I bother you. Jenny the theater girl, I loved the scenes in which she appeared, her route seemed very interesting to me, but my question is, in what other games that you have developed does that character appear? I know that corruption appears in Katie and in the promise as well, but I don't know which one else, could you please tell me, and thank you very much, if you help me I promise that I will continue to support you as I have done until today and as I will always do, Thank you friend for your attention and sorry for the inconvenience.


because its my first game, in no other game. ;)
But if a other developer use this char its possible, but i don't know.

(3 edits)

Hey Xagrim, question if you don't mind.  I don't mind the Grinding or the going to work every morning of the game those things are fun.  But I am curious as to why you lock, block, cut off events?  I guess a example would be Nina and the Blonde girl who works at the theater.  I have gotten Nina's scenes and continued from there.  But the Blonde girl is locked for some reason most I can do is give her Books and it ends there.  So I guess my question is are you blocking content?  Like you can do things with Nina or the Blonde but you can't do things with Both, it's one or the other?  Cause I have tried and restarted MANY times and it seems no matter my choices, stats or whatever.  A lot of what you could do in the beginning are being locked out.  Like you are "Forcing" people to follow one path the end all of the be all, a way to force multi play through.  An if that's the case it's not worth it to play.  What I meant by not worth it to play is.  The first thing you say is "A sandbox VN (open world like)"  Well it's either a Open World or it is Linear.  I think that's the first thing you should decide before you make anymore updates.  It's either Open World or it's Linear there's no it's like both.  That would be like me saying I have "like a million dollars to invest in your project."  An then saying oh it's only $1

(3 edits)


sorry but i don't understand what you mean.

The blonde girl has nothing to do with Nina. And i don't hink she is locked, perhaps you have overread something but its difficult to say at which point you are. What says the CQM for this quest?

Nothing is blocked but of course it gives alternate routes. And if some route is closed you have do it with one of your choices.

Its cleary a sandbox game but of course it has trigger dates.

Hmm, Thanks for the reply.  I kinda understand but not really.  The only reason I mentioned the Blonde girl is cause she works at the Theater also with Nina.  Alternate routes?  So if I am understanding correctly basically your saying whatever choice I make in the game can open or close other routes?  An Trigger Dates would be like the going shopping with Wife and Daughter, Or to the swimming pool?  Trigger dates like that?  Special days of the week you can only do certain things?

yes some choices could open/close routes. Yes this trigger will happend for all. Yes it gives special times/days only on this some events work.

Hello guys can someone please help me about Nina the quits say compliment her boy a lot i did it a lot of times but there is nothing new and it say watch movie together but i didn't know how when i compliment her body there is 2 option 1-(?????) 2-(just talk) can someone tell me what i have to do or how can i watch movie with her...?

Are you the guy from Discord playing on Android?

hello (google translate) I'm trying to raise all the stats of all the characters to the maximum but Lisa's slutiness stats don't go up despite the fact that I bombard the blue option on her, any info? (it is currently at 2/15 but given the spamming it is supposed to be at the maximum)

I'm having a similar issue. I have Lisa's "Slutiness" at 13/15 and her "Slutty but nice" quest at 3/5. Is there something I missed? Do I need to advance other characters as I have been concentrating on her and Helena(landfill  path)?

Also I can't find the Discord page. Can I get an invitation?

Ok, I finally got Lisa maxed out. Helena is moving along nicely too. I would still like to know if there is a Discord page.

good that it works now. ;)

Here you can find discord.

Xagrim's Gameforge | creating Erotic Games and more | Patreon

it give two blue options you have to raise the other one for slutiness

Hey can someone please told me how to read the books in android like the chart book...?

(1 edit)

I'm not sure if i understand it right. But you can read the books in the living room.

Oh thank you sir


I can't move the questlog on android still


Thanks for reporting.

Seems that the slider works only for the Char tab but not for the Quest tab.

Fixed in the next version.Best regards.



i cant seem to get past a photoshoot model, its asking for 5000 on REA which i have and relation lvl 3 which im guess is in the characters states? which i have her at 120/120, i cant get this quest to trigger on saturday night


a other quest is needed before, the hint shouldn't show yet.

Same am stuck on the same part what is needed ive try everything  i can tink of

(1 edit) (+1)

I have some questions and report to say 

First, about the quest system 

Idk if it's a bug, but in Android version you can see only 4 characters and can't slide down to others, so that gives some problems cause you can't get hints and see the progress 

And this take us to the questions

I'm kinda "blocked" rn with Jenny and the black haired girl in the counter at the cinema. Can't find any suggestion to go on. The first after the chocolate thing, I remember Mc tells himself about giving her flowers but after that I can't find her anymore but in the ticket booth.. 

And about the girl with the black hair, after the encounter with bf and the bar drinking I can't seem to make the next move.. I know there's something because I've played a much older version of the game.. But with this CQM problem I can't get "hints" 


Can someone help me please?? I'm really blocked with Lin and Jenny, font know what to do..


Hi, thanks for reporting.
Yes the creator of the CQM is working on a mobile version.

Difficult to say because its needed to know where are you exactly.
But after the Bar you have meet her at her home, it should be the available on the map.

You have to buy a couple of times the flowers but she is only on Monday in the cinema hall.

But for faster help you should ask on Discord or in the Forum.


I've said this repeatedly to the dev and the menu is really useless except for knowing the character stats. All this game is is an Easter egg hunt. It's really not the hard to input a scene/event tracker or even actual make the quests your given to do actually viewable in the menu. Like I said though the dev has ignored it for a long time which is even more frustrating considering you have to playthrough every single patch to get to new content.

How do we progress Helena's story line?

What do you mean exactly? You can look in the CQM if you have discovered Helena, her Quests are all in.


Does the wife and daughter have other routes I'm not into the sharing/ntr stuff is there other ways it can go

(2 edits)

The game doesn't have NTR. For the wife you can decide which route you would follow, depends on your choices, Sharing, Exibitionism or not and so on. And the daughter is a girl with her own life.


Should make paths more clear in game


Agreed I was trying to find some route where my wife wasn't getting piped or groped by someone else. All I want to know is if there are domination routes or at least one where they're mine not everyones

For the wife you can have a love/exibitionism/sharing route. Mostly can you see yet in the CQM.
If you raise blue options you raise the other routes.

so for the love route we don't raise blue

Deleted 364 days ago

This game has gone through so much... I'm proud of it :)


Thank you.


I think something that should definitely be added into this game is some sort of event tracker or at least a better quest menu because that menu for stats and quests is really shit I don't get how that menu has lasted this long for a game that's still in part 1

(1 edit)

Which feedback do you have exactly for the CQM? The CQM is not old its in Beta and a lot of will be added in the future. Before the CQM the game has had a other system.

On apk every time (every patch I start over) I go to the news stand to see the MC's friend and he asks you to get flowers and chocolates I can never purchase them for him nothing is interactive and I end up having to roll back and avoid going there completely.

for the CQM specifically it's not easy to use via apk to see the characters you can't scroll through them your just stuck with the top of the list and I feel it's a bit vague because you kind of have to guess on certain blue texts because it leans towards the same thing sometimes but have different values. And should definitely include some sort of event tracker just so people don't feel like they're grinding endlessly because they're lost on where to go to progress.

Unfortunately the Creator of the CQM has made it not for Android, but he is working on a mobile version. But i give him your feedback.
The CQM is the event tracker but its not finished yet and will be updated every release with new stuff. But the blue options for Michelle and Lisa are mostly in.
Yes some blue options have different values and later different outcomes. 

I don't understand what do you mean? Is this a bug on Android? On Windows/Mac the quest works fine. Is there a broken up inside?
You have not to go to the shop.  Its in the event. 

so whenever ever I go the shop to see my friend he asks you to buy flowers and chocolates and when it takes you to the shop screen you're unable to click anything so I have to rollback and avoid ever going to the new stand again

all this waiting for so little content???? I'm getting bored, please dev don't get me wrong but I expected more from this update

how can i give lisa massage after pool?

The massage has nothing to do with the pool.

But how and when can I give her massage?

Raise the relationship and visit her in the evening. this Quest will be later add to the CQM.

When do we get to see wife sharing content.



you have a lot of kinky scenes for this in the game yet.
Real sharing will possible in the seond part of the Trilogy.

Best regards.


many people are upset because the game is getting longer and longer, remember that it is a trilogy and I would like to see it finished while I am young, not for my grandchildren to finish it, I consider the game excellent, I only have that criticism that I hope the developer understands

I've been following for maybe around 2-3 years and I really notice a lot of improvement and change in the game. I don't know why some people are so mad and trying to rush you. We see monthly updates and that's honestly a miracle on itch with all the abandoned games here. I think spending the time to make a good game is worth the time.

My one comment/complaint is that I honestly how no clue how the fishing minigame works. I've leveled up fishing to full and fish for the 6 hours to raise my chances but I don't think I've ever caught one. With the update I see there's a black oval that appears and fades, but clicking on it doesn't catch a fish. In the next attempt the oval is in the same spot but when I click it, the game tells me not to click on the same spot. I'm super lost on how to do this.

Other than that, I'm really amazed at all the content that's already in the game. I'm pretty sure I haven't seen all the scenes yet and that's saying a lot. It's been fun maxing out all the stats and seeing the changes. The hidden stats are also fun, even though they're not kinks I personally a fan of. It's really cool to see anyway. I'm a huge fan of multiple endings and consequences, so I'll probably restart to play more carefully so I can reach the ending I'd want to start the 2nd game with. But for now, I'm just trying to do everything available and having fun doing so. Thanks for all the work and the consistency! 

thanks for your feedback.

The black oval are only a cosmetic thing and has nothing to do with the skills. It shows only how many chance you have to catch a fish. If your Level is higher you can catch more fishes.

Good to know. Have fun. :)

Best regards.


Are there other paths for the wife and daughter and if there are can you tell me how

(1 edit)

its a little bit difficult, because what have you seen yet?
It give different paths for them. If you have concret questions its better to get faster help on Discord or in the Forum.
But in the future updates the CQM will have the mostly events/cutscenes inside so you can look what is open.

Best regards.


would you be able to tell me the routes it's been a bit since I've played


Well, the game is exceptional. It has a different approach from the others, something even more adult; the almost RPG control that the game gives you over the actions that give you different futures enchants me a lot.

But I'd like to point out that it's pretty broken from my point of view... Lots of character developments that break in the middle, sometimes one story development doesn't follow the other.

For example: I finished almost all the events, and lastly (the main ones) the trips of our sister-in-law and her husband to our house... There the event says it ends, but there are other paths that lead to Rome. But after that the game becomes a complete void and nothing happens.

I sweated 20000 New in my REA thinking that the game would unlock Nivéria for me... But nothing happened... Then you say it's a trilogy.. I don't know if it's a trilogy of events in the game, or a trilogy of games and the second game takes place there in Nivéria..

Anyway, it scares me because the game is in version 0.86, and playing gives me (in terms of game progress) the clear feeling of a game that is in version 0.40/0.50. Because the game takes a long time to engage, and when it engages the reward is not so great. I have more than 30 hours of gameplay, and I come to an empty end without much sense of progress with a wife (menáge) and daughter (the most I see of her is her pussy), no touching.

The game works very well in terms of tension and foreplay for great sex to happen, and it's nice while that happens, but the game focuses so much on that that it becomes nauseating, because there are hours and hours of it, it stops being pleasant .

I want to close by praising the project, and the differentiated and realistic idea of life that the game brings us, it's a planned project, and it hits many points, for example... A random 40-year-old married guy who has to work his ass off to fulfill your carnal desires and the woman's desire for life, not to mention hairy pussies, virgins, incestuous relationship, ménage, the wife's drama itself, a refined humor in the game (in many moments you have a good laugh).

When it's ready, it has everything to be the best Ren'Py game I've played since it became a rage in my teens in 2015. A big hug and luck to the developer. I hope I have alerted with criticism, and encouraged with praise.

thanks for your feedback.

For the sister in law: The sentence of Rome could be a little bit misleading. It gives a alternate route for this. If the sister route ends you are on the alternate route in the warehouse which starts at the Newsstand.

Trilogy means a Trilogy of games.

It gives a FAQ which could answer some questions.

Best regards.


Bom, o jogo é excepcional. Tem uma abordagem diferenciada dos demais, algo mais adulto mesmo; o controle quase que RPG que o jogo te da sobre as ações que dão diferentes futuros para vc me encanta muito.

Mas gostaria de ressaltar que está bem quebrado do meu ponto de vista... Muitos desenvolvimentos de personagem que quebram no meio, as vezes um desenvolvimento de história não acompanha o outro. 

Por exemplo: terminei quase todos os eventos, e por ultimo (dos principais) as idas de nossa cunhada e seu marido a nossa casa... Ali o evento diz que acaba, mas há outros caminhos que levam a Roma. Porém após isso o jogo se torna um completo vazio e nada acontece.

Juntei suados 20000 Novos no meu REA achando que o jogo iria desbloquear Nivéria para mim... Mas nada aconteceu... Aí você diz que é uma trilogia.. Não sei se é uma trilogia de eventos no jogo, ou trilogia de jogos e o segundo jogo se passa lá em Nivéria..

De qualquer forma me assusta por que o jogo está na versão 0.86, e jogando me passa (em questão de progresso do jogo) a clara sensação de um jogo que está na versão 0.40/0.50. Pois o jogo demora muito pra engatar, e quando engata a recompensa não é tão grande. Tenho mais de 30 horas de gameplay, e chego a um fim vazio e sem muita sensação de progresso com esposa(menáge) e filha (o máximo que vejo dela é a buceta), nada de toques.

O jogo trabalha muito bem nesse quesito de tensão e preliminares para o grande sexo acontecer, e é sim gostoso enquanto isso acontece, mas o jogo foca tanto nisso mais tanto que se torna enjoativo, por que são horas e horas nisso, deixa de ser prazeroso.

Quero fechar exaltando o projeto, e a ideia diferenciada e realista de vida que o jogo tras a nós, é um projeto ambicioso, e acerta em muitos pontos como por exemplo.. Um cara aleatório de 40 anos casado, que tem que trabalhar pra caralho pra realizar seus desejos carnais e o desejo de vida da mulher, sem citar bucetas peludas, virgens, relação incestuosa, ménage, o próprio drama da esposa, um humor refinado no jogo (em muitos momentos você da boas risadas). 

Quando ficar pronto tem tudo para ser o melhor jogo Ren'Py que eu ja joguei desde que isso virou febre na minha adolescência em 2015. Um grande abraço e sorte ao desenvolvedor. Espero ter alertado com as criticas, e incentivado com os elogios.


what happens that nobody thinks, it will be that they are not interested in the game because it does not advance and the updates are poor, Dev please pay attention to this

someone???? nobody???

someone is also wondering why no one writes here, the comments have been dwindling as the game gets endless


The base is so good, i can't imagine the final result being less than awesome; going from hate to love makes it a great experience and the relationship development with all the girls is really nice, the only negative aspect is that you can't know how far you are from a scene/dialog (if you need more love, corruption, or hidden stat), but maybe it is for grinding purpose (wich i'm totally fine with).

So yeah, that's my review for this project, my hype for it is as big as for any pokemon game (it's a lot, take it as a compliment) :)

(1 edit) (+1)

With the next updates the CQM (Character and quest screen) will be get more updates. So it get easier to find events/scenes.


It's been forever since I played this game since I remember it being heckin long, but did we get past corruption 3 with the daughter yet, last I remember was finally unlocking a couple keyhole scenes


DEV pls release a proper  updated playthrough with a  proper in game quest tracker . u can skipp one  months update but pls add these features they are much imp .people cant even play half of your content . and add all girls in the character list

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

With the next updates the CQM (Character and quest screen) will be get more updates. So it get easier to find events/scenes.

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I'm Stuck with Lisa.. i was in the Cinema and in The Bar.. i also play the Hole Bar Scene with candy.... now i massage her every sunday and go to the Public pool... but there are no blue options... what now? No shower any more together...


The shower will be repeatable in one of the next updates. And more stuff about her NTD.

Even if I don't want to, I'm going to wait for several updates to pass to play more content, this lasted only 15 minutes of play


Depends on which stuff you are waiting for. When perhaps  it could be 15 Minutes.
But this latest update has a lot of more stuff as 15 minutes.  Alone the new Helena stuff is much more as 15 minutes to play.

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