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How to raise lisas sluttyness level stuck at 5   thank you for any help 


Should be work with the 0.76.


How about ADBL content?


Its not planned.


How do I avoid Lisa getting a boyfriend? It stops me from raising her hidden stats!


I have a look at this.


hello xagrim, how can i raise the points with lisa if i don't see the boy in the pool, i'm still stuck in hot/cold water, what can i do to progress?


I have a look at this.

I think you should improve the rate of seeing the guy in pool, also make a scene with the guy in park to guy point, i don't know, may be there is a bug or the true is jogging don't give aw or sl poin. After 5/10 i don't usually seen the guy in pool anymore, and in 9 never seen him in 5 week. The wife have to much event to improve, but daughter don't have any. Maybe you should thing about it

which variable do you mean? 5/10?
If the daughter has get a boyfriend you doesn't see any guys anymore. But i check it.

I think you should continue that event, for safe if someone miss  event can get enough point, make jogging to get point like with wife. Also can you change the game save in android. Can't paste in android/data in android 11


I am cannot move past Lisa's shower scene with cold or warm water. What should I do to progress? I am also stuck with her slutiness score at 6. What to do to earn more points?

I look at this, it could be a bug.

I believe there is some bug. At some point when you go for a walk around the swimming pool, you do not meet the young guy at all and you cannot raise awareness or sluttiness.

OK, I can see from one of the other answers that once Lisa introduces her boyfriend, MC no longer meets the guy at the pool. Does it mean that you cannot raise her hidden scores after that?

I have a look at this.

I cant get the file to download, says there was an issue paraing the package.

which one do you try?

The one for Android

Perhaps you doesn't have enough space on your phone?
Perhaps this can help: Tech fix: What to do when you can't download apps to your Android (


Why i can't continue Liza event, i stuck in 9/10aw, 10/15 sl. I play jogging, poor, full bar, also mass


same here, 9/10sl and 12/15aw. How i increase that ?

It seems to be a bug i check it. Thanks for reporting.

How can I get to sl? I'm stuck with aw 9/10. Nothing further

Not seeing a link to the android downloa


I can't get out of the loop I'm in, I think my relationship with Liza is at its best but in the bathroom it's only hot or cold water, nothing happens, I think I'll have to wait for the next update


It's not maxed ou then. In 0.74 you will see it better. You can raise it if you go with her to the pool and take a stroll.

already went for a walk with her several Sundays and nothing happens, I don't want to give up but I think I'll wait until 74, it must be a few days, greetings

(1 edit)

I'm missing something or Lisa shower scene bugged for me? I'm looped with scene with cold/hot water everyday even thought I have NTD with her and patch notes suggest something more should happen.


You have to max out her Awareness to se see a new scene.

(1 edit)

Hmm, I thought I have it on the max, I'm currently on "Lisa is well aware you see her as a very alluring young woman" and can't think of way to increase it. Will try some more, maybe I miss something...

[edit] did everything I could think of, shower scene still in cold/hot loop.

It's not maxed ou then. In 0.74 you will see it better. You can raise it if you go with her to the pool and take a stroll.

Deleted 2 years ago
(7 edits) (+1)

So after the update I really have her awareness at 13/15, the thing is I can't find the way to increase it unless I'm missing something obvious.

- all bar events are done.

- all pool events seems done too.

- same with jogging/bathroom

Is there something easy to miss, like so random encounter in house or I don't know... could I mess up something earlier and lock out of content or missing some event that didn't trigger so far (I think I may messed something up because her Sluttines is only 6/10 too and I think I picked the right answer in the events)?

I will check it for the next update if it is a bug.

Was I expecting more action in the bathroom with Lisa, or am I missing something? . Despite being a good job, the update lasted 10 minutes, I recommend that the next update not be so poor, not extend it any longer and conclude chapter 1, to be able to start chapter 2, which should have more ideas. I reiterate my congratulations Xasgrim

You have to max out her Awareness to se see a new scene.

Esperaba más acción en el baño con Lisa, o es que me falta algo 

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey Xagrim, may I suggest adding a few sexual interactions with Lisa(in Chapter 1) when you have max corruption and relationship such as hugging her when 60-100% arousal and her with 3 scenes depicting the boner FP, Third person and another scene where his penis is popping out of his pants pressed on her ass while hugging her! And have Lisa have be thinking to herself some sexual things about how she can feel his fathers boner and how that makes her horny! And 2 more scenes where she says(outloud to her dad)something like: "You sure are "happy" to see me Dad*giggle*" and the Dad replying! Put that on the first chapter and I will plead 120$ ! Add a few dreams of Lisa and have the option to masturbate(in the bath) to either his wife or Lisa and add 3-5 different scenes of them naked in poses while he masturbates! Or add some other sexual things that you can think of with Lisa in the first chapter that DON'T cross the line of actually having physical sex(handjob,blowjob,vaginal,anal) and just teasing seeing her naked, her seeing his boner etc! Add something to the massages with Lisa like him popping out his penis while massaging her and ending the scene with him masturbating in the bathroom!

PS: Work on improving your animation and cumshots otherwise the story and game are 10/10! You will be the first pornographic videogame developer that I will support by giving money  because I am too invested in the story!


Hi hornyjohn,

thank you for your feedback.
And for your suggestions. On the dreams i are working for some of the next updates. For some of the other things you can find some informations in the FAQ: The FAQ | Xagrim's Gameforge on Patreon

For her it is because of some country rules not easy.

Best regards.

Your Xagrim

I really hope this doesnt mean that you wont be able to have sex with her in later on in part 2 and 3! Most of us here are mainly interested in Lisa because of the taboo incest nature of the game! However if you could somehow find a loophole to those rules that would be great because it would be a shame to not be able to fuck Lisa(with the daughter element intact)!

Love your work <3

I have 30000 novos in my REA account... How can I get access to niveria city?

It will be in the second part.

If I have ntd with lisa.. does it progress for anything more than just watching

It's a NTD, yes first only watching, in further updates a little more.


It is only possible to download and install the playthrough pdf using the itch app. No other download visible ...


I have put it now in the release post. And you can find it on Discord.

How do you get further with Jill? she mentions BDSM but ive never gotten an option to actually train her at her house ..What triggers lisa having a bf? And when can I move to niveria city? Also is there anything more with Lin other than the park scene and if i touch lisa's pussy will it mess up the NTD? Also do i have to put all my miney in the REA i have 20,000 in the REA and 21,000 novos ..please let me know what else to do to progress in the events mentioned above.

Which version do you play? It's not long inside. Then you have talk to her about that you can visit her at home. Lisa's Bf comes up after some time you run a lot and go swim a lot. NC comes with the second part. No she will nonly say something about that, but the NTD will stay. The money in the REA need you for certain scenes with Michelle.

Excelente, mis felicitaciones, ¿Se pueden o no jugar ya las otras partes del juego? ¿Como se llaman? ¿Dónde las encuentro?

Thank you. Not yet, the work on the next part starts then this part is ready.

any femdom?

not inside yet, only the start.


please add femdom


I'm now in part 1 and was curious if the massages with lisa will ever get to something bigger, like her allowing you to touch her in more places and such. Also are the second and third part already implemented? If so how do i actually do the jump to get to there, like how far do i need to be. One more thing, the text messages sometimes mention that you need to be level 3 of something, but where can i check my level of a certain category/skill (i know where i can find them in general)

The different parts are different games. You can check your level in the phone at the top. But some stats are not shown.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks for the reply, i think it's a great game!

Well, I'm kind of stuck now because i can't do anything more. I've played through each character development story from the scene checker and i have 25000 in my bank account ingame. 

Do i need to do anything else to progress further?

Also, what are the different parts/games called and are they out yet?

Thank you.

This is enough you need it to trigger some events.

No the work on the next part starts then this part is ready.


Another good update. Really love the photo shoots. Hope they will continue to advance and get hotter.

Thank you very much.

Do you mean with the couple or only with the wife?
But both will continue. ;)


Firstly, I really enjoy the game as a whole. The bar scenes with Michelle and Lisa are some of my favorites as well as the photo shoots. I don't want to insert my ideas into your story but have you considered the photo shoots as a way to make extra novos? Perhaps Helena's husband would be interested in some hot and heavy photos considering what he is into?  Just a suggestion from a fan.

Thanks. ;)

Of course, ideas all welcome.

In the moment it gives a possibility to make money with the photoshootings..but not direct with the photos.
This is an idea that i put on the list. ;)

You said "She-male" is planned is that going to be avoidable as well cause I'm not into that and don't want to see it.

The Shemale thing is not current in and will take a small place. Finally it would be avoidable if you have discover it.


Excellent game, I would like to know when there are more updates and if in the future the story with Lisa goes further, in short, congratulations and successes in the project

Thank you very much.

Every month a update will be release.
It gives more stuff with Lisa in the first part, but more in the second part.


Excelente juego, me gustaría conocer cuándo hay más actualizaciones y si en el futuro la historia con Lisa llega más lejos, en fin felicidades y éxitos en el proyecto

Do Lisa's massages actually lead to anything? Or is it just two clicks and done for everyone else

It depends on where you are and if you have the stats maxed out. and if the "NTD" is active.  It will then give some small differences. But nothing more.

What is the "NTD"? I'm pretty sure I've maxed out the stats

The NTD is the NoTouchDeal with Lisa you can get it at the pool if you have maxed her stats and spy often on her at the keyhole.


This is, quite possibly, one of the most infuriating AVN games I've ever played. Please, for the love of god, make a walkthrough for each character to show the steps that should be done for the best choice. I like the game, and I keep playing, but it is so incredibly frustrating. It feels like the encounters are based on a percentage chance rather than a requirement of somekind, because I'll be going to the same place for WEEKS and see nothing, and you don't know whether it's over or not.

Like you see Sina and Karen and you don't even have the scene checker, so you don't even know if every interaction has actually come to an end or you made a mistake; if you've actually ended up making a mistake earlier on, it could possibly be DOZENS of weeks prior, because the percentage change of getting a unique event is so low that you have to repeat the same bloody event over and over and over. If you want that to be a 'feature', fine, but at the very least give a fuckin guide or a full *accurate* scene checker or hint system to actually tell me what the fuck I'm meant to do and if I'm doing it right.


Thanks for your feedback.
Normally you see an information that is the end of the build, but is it possible that it is missing at some place. Sorry for that.
And Sina and Karen have say goodbye in the story to the player. But Karen comes back for a small visit if you are on her route. Sina and Karen are not in the SC, only Karen's event is currently inside the SC. 
Random events have nothing to do with the unique events. It's not possible to miss a unique event, except you are on an other road of course.

The SC is Beta and will be improved and then it is finishes it will of course have inside all certain situations. That's then the walkthrough.

Hi. Just came across the latest update (0.70a). I would like to see more of Michelle getting corrupted ;) if possible for the next update.

Michelle will be in the 0.71, too. ;)


super good game. would like to see more sexy photo shoots with Michelle, and hopefully you have some plans to further the fun with Lisa soon.

Hi, thank you. :)

It will give more photoshoots with Michelle this year ;)

Some new things with Lisa will be coming soon.


When I go buy Markus flowers for his gf/wife, it takes me to the store but shows no novo's and won't let me do anything. I have to back out. Android

Is this only in this case or every time if you visit the shop?


only in this case, if I just go visit the shop it's fine. I have flowers in my inventory.

Okay thanks i check it.

hi, how can i meet jill?

Hi, do you have look into the Scene Checker? They are hints for that. ;)

how do i do that ?

In the menu, if you hit escape.

Hey bro on every time I download the new update...i should start from the first so please provide saves when you release next update. By the way I love your game...its really Thrilling

Hi, thank you. :)
Yes for Android you need to backup your save.
You can find here help: Release the 0.68 for Public | Xagrim's Gameforge on Patreon

(1 edit)

How can I meet mia on day 8 as she knows that mc is being kicked out of pool. And where to meet her at which time.

You have to go work at the farm after smome time she will come. You can look in the Scene Checker for help.

Hi, the game froze at the part where the MC was giving Lisa a back massage. Is that normal?

Hi, what do you mean? You can't go back to the menu or only the scene froze? On which system do you play? You can't click with the hand on Lisa?


I want to ask before downloading this game. There is a Cheating tag, do we get cheated on or someone else??


The mc cheats.

 I can't download the update for my version (0.66) is there a problem with the Android version or do I have to reinstall the game and start from 0??

Perhaps this can help: Release the 0.67 for Public | Xagrim's Gameforge on Patreon

For those of us experiencing this issue, do you know if this will recur every update? I don't want to keep starting from beginning so trying to decide whether to restart now or just wait for the final version lol

Unfortunaly yes if you don't backup your save like mentioned in the post you have to start from beginning.

How to do that

You can find help here: Release the 0.68 for Public | Xagrim's Gameforge on Patreon

Deleted 3 years ago

Hm sorry for Mac i have no idea why the save is gone. Happens it after you load the update? Perhaps you can make a backup before?

Deleted 3 years ago



hey there. I just wish to report a bug about the Lisa's boyfriend part. In older versions we could have dinner together with her boyfriend and peek on them. However in the latest versions when that part comes, it directly skips everyting. Just for your information.  

 The game is one of my favorites. It is a great game. seems like a lot more content will be added so that is why I wanted to report this problem. Seems like there will not be any actual thing between the Dad and Lisa, so it would be nice for Lisa to do something real with his bf and let us watch it  :)


thank you i check it.
Thank you, have fun. ;) It will come. ;)

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Just have to say this is probably the most promising game of this kind I have played. So many small isolated stories merged into one mans life. Just love it. However, I had to make myself a cheat mod as earning money and keep refreshing/bathing my self got a bit too much after a while. Now my stats are always at 100% and money at 100.000.  Also I added adjusting days via my cheat mod. 

Some games comes with inbuilt cheat mode - something to consider?  Perhaps for your Patreon supporters? 

Also, with so many girls and women you have to give attention to at different times of the week, a notepad where those thing are kept would be nice to have. 

Was Friday Jenny's day, or Lisa? - too many women to keep track on, while constantly horny while playing. 

Keep up the good work on this game. 

thank you. :)
If you use cheats it is possible that you oversee some situations, because of this it will give no official cheat mode.

In the 0.66 is the new Scene Checker BETA included. It and the notes on your phone should help to find the situations.

Thank you that's good. :)

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